Children's Ministry
Children at the Richfield Church of Christ are important and vital to the congregation. We are dedicated to making their spiritual growth a priority. One of the ways this is done is through age-appropriate Bible classes held on Sunday mornings as well as an inter-generational class on Wednesday evenings.
Cradle Roll (0-24 months) – Even the youngest among us can learn about God! This is proven by the wonderful, dedicated teachers we have in the Cradle Roll class. The class is purposefully repetitive in nature, helping your child feel welcome and comfortable in their first classroom setting. Topics often cover the basics of Bible class, family and creation with lots of hands on participation and interaction in class.
2-3 Year Olds – This class has a lot of energy! Each month your child will study a new topic. Each year the class alternates between focusing on the Old Testament and the New Testament lessons. This is a fun, interactive class with many visuals and crafts. The repetitive curriculum during the month encourages the kids to really learn about the topic/character. Your child will be coming home excited to share what they learned in Bible class!
Elementary Education – The PreK-4th grade class is going through the Bible chronologically at a depth appropriate to the age group. On Sunday mornings the purpose is telling the story from the Bible in an engaging way. The classes alternate year to year studying the Old Testament and the New Testament. This will give your child a comprehensive look at the Bible in an organized fashion.
Through these lessons and memory work, teachers are helping to equip students with the knowledge of God's truth and practical application. Your child will have fun learning about the Bible!
Wednesday Night Class – On Wednesdays we have a combined children's class that provides our kids with a time to learn the Bible, pray, grow in relationship with other kids, and serve together. Monthly food and game nights allow kids a fun way to interact with the rest of the congregation. For more info about Wednesday nights, click HERE.
The classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night would not be successful without the dedication of wonderful teachers and children's ministry supporters. The teachers care for their students inside and outside of the classroom. Students feel special knowing that these adults are rooting for them and praying for them.
We hope you will visit RCC Kids. We love to have new friends in Bible class!